My Research Interest in RESIST |
My research interest in RESIST covers various topics: For example, my team is working on a vaccine against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 based on a smallpox virus. We also want to develop an antibody test that will also help to find out how well these antibodies protect against re-infection. Another topic is biofilms – accumulations of microorganisms embedded in self-produced matrices. They represent a major challenge in the treatment of patients – for example, when they grow on implants. I am interested in which factors of the immune system favour the formation of biofilms. I am also interested in how it is that some people are not protected against hepatitis B despite being vaccinated. And we are investigating to what extent advanced age contributes to the reactivation of herpes viruses.
Prof. Förster about his scientific work
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster – Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Academic and Research Posts
Other Scientific Roles
Awards and Prizes
10 Selected Publications
Barros-Martins, J.**, S.I. Hammerschmidt**, A. Cossmann**, I. Odak, M.V. Stankov, G. Morillas Ramos, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, A. Heidemann, C. Ritter, M. Friedrichsen, C. Schultze-Florey, I. Ravens, S. Willenzon, A. Bubke, J. Ristenpart, A. Janssen, G. Ssebyatika, G. Bernhardt, J. Munch, M. Hoffmann, S. Pohlmann, T. Krey, B. Bosnjak*, R. Forster*, and G.M.N. Behrens*. 2021. Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants after heterologous and homologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/BNT162b2 vaccination. Nat Med 27(9):1525-1529 PMID: 34262158 (This work has been an equal contribution of the Förster and Behrens labs; shared first(**) and senior (*) authorships).
Martens, R., M. Permanyer, K. Werth, K. Yu, A. Braun, O. Halle, S. Halle, G.E. Patzer, B. Bosnjak, F. Kiefer, A. Janssen, M. Friedrichsen, J. Poetzsch, K. Kohli, Y. Lueder, R. Gutierrez Jauregui, N. Eckert, T. Worbs, M. Galla, and R. Forster. 2020. Efficient homing of T cells via afferent lymphatics requires mechanical arrest and integrin-supported chemokine guidance.Nat Commun 11:1114. PMID: 32111837. Open Access
Halle, S., K.A. Keyser, F.R. Stahl, A. Busche, A. Marquardt, x. Zheng, M. Galla, V. Heissmeyer, K. Heller, J. Boelter, K. Wagner, Y. Bischoff, R. Schwegmann, A. Braun, K. Werth, A. Uvarovskii, H. Kempf, M. Meyer-Hermann, R. Arens, M. Kremer, G. Sutter, M. Messerle, and R. Förster. 2016. In vivo killing capacity of cytotoxic T cells is limited and involves dynamic interactions and T cell cooperativity. Immunity 44:233-245. PMID: 26872694. Open Access
Fleige, H., S. Ravens, G.L. Moschovakis, J. Bolter, S. Willenzon, G. Sutter, S. Haussler, U. Kalinke, I. Prinz, and R. Forster. 2014. IL-17-induced CXCL12 recruits B cells and induces follicle formation in BALT in the absence of differentiated FDCs. J Exp Med 211:643-651. PMID: 24663215. Open Access
Ulvmar, M.H**., K. Werth**, A. Braun, P. Kelay, E. Hub, K. Eller, L. Chan, B. Lucas, I. Novitzky-Basso, K. Nakamura, T. Rulicke, R.J. Nibbs, T. Worbs, R. Forster*, and A. Rot*. 2014. The atypica lchemokine receptor CCRL1 shapes functional CCL21 gradients in lymph nodes. Nat Immunol 15:623-630. PMID: 24813163
Wendland, M., S. Willenzon, J. Kocks, A.C. Davalos-Misslitz, S.I. Hammerschmidt, K. Schumann, E. Kremmer, M. Sixt, A. Hoffmeyer, O. Pabst, and R. Forster. 2011. Lymph node T cell homeostasis relies on steady state homing of dendritic cells. Immunity 35:945-957. PMID: 22195748. Open Access
Hammerschmidt SI, Friedrichsen M, Boelter J, Lyszkiewicz M, Kremmer E, Pabst O, Förster R. Retinoic acid induces homing of protective T and B cells to the gut after subcutaneous immunization in mice. J Clin Invest. 2011 Aug;121(8):3051-61. doi: 10.1172/JCI44262.. PMID: 21737878. Open Access
Braun, A., T. Worbs, G.L. Moschovakis, S. Halle, K. Hoffmann, J. Boelter, A. Munk, and R. Forster. 2011. Afferent lymph-derived T cells and dendritic cells use different CCR7-dependent routes for lymph node entry and intranodal migration. Nature Immunology 12:879-887. PMID: 21841786
Förster, R.*, A. Schubel, D. Breitfeld, E. Kremmer, I. Renner-Muller, E. Wolf, and M. Lipp. 1999. CCR7 coordinates the primary immune response by establishing functional microenvironments in secondary lymphoid organs. Cell 99:23-33. *corresponding author; This manuscript has been high-lighted: Melchers F. et al, Cell, 1999; Cyster J.C. Current Biology 2000; PMID: 10520991. Open Access
Förster, R., A.E. Mattis, E. Kremmer, E. Wolf, G. Brem, and M. Lipp. 1996. A putative chemokine receptor, BLR1, directs B cell migration to defined lymphoid organs and specific anatomic compartments of the spleen. Cell 87:1037-1047. PMID: 8978608. Open Access