Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig participates in RESIST research project A2.

My Research Interest in RESIST

Our research focus in RESIST is the identification of structural and other genetic variants in persons with severe immune deficiencies. We work closely together with the clinics and institutes of Prof. Grimbacher (Freiburg) and Prof. Schmidt (MHH). Moreover the Hannover Unified Biobank (HUB) is deeply involved in establishing a control population of healthy elderly individuals as well as diseased cohorts for different viral infections in close cooperation with the MHH clinics of Dermatology (Prof. Werfel), Neurology (Prof. Stangel) and Rheumatology (Prof. Witte).

Prof. Illig and his team

Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig – Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

  • Since 2012 Scientific Head of the Biobank of the Hannover Medical School (HUB, Hannover Unified Biobank) 

  • Since 2016 Head of Research of the Department of Human Genetics, MHH 

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training

  • 1986 – 1991 Study of biology, University of Regensburg 

  • 1995 Doctor in biology by thesis „O-Glycosilation in Saccharomyces cerevisae“, Department of Cell Biology, University of Regensburg 

  • 2006 Postdoctoral lecture qualification (“Habilitation”) and conferral of associate professorship (“Priv.-Doz.”) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, „Concepts of genomic association studies to decipher complex diseases“ 

  • 2010 Professor at Ludwig Maximilians-University Munich 

Academic and Research Posts

  • 2001 – 2010 Group leader of working group “Epidemiology-Biobanking-Genomics” in the Institute of Epidemiology Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany 

  • 2011 Head of Research Unit of Molecular Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, 

  • 2012 Professor at Hannover Medical School 

  • 2012 Scientific Head of the Biobank of the Medical School Hannover (HUB, Hannover Unified Biobank) 

  • 2016 Head of Research of the Department of Human Genetics, MHH 

Other Scientific Roles

  • 2002 – 2017 Reviewer for following societies and institutions: European Society of Human Genetics, Netherland Research Foundation; Netherland, University of Verona, Italy, German Research Community (DFG), Germany, University of Vienna, Austria, Research Ministry of Norway, Norway, German Society of Genetics, Germany, Ministry of Finland, Finland, Welcome Trust UK, UK

  • 2010 – 2014 Organiser of four International Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology symposia in Grainau, Germany, Titel: New trends in genetic, molecular epidemiology and biobanking

  • 2013 – 2017 Co-Organiser of TMF German National Biobank Symposium in Berlin, Germany

  • 2014 – 2016 In a recent analysis of Thomson Reuters Prof. Illig was classified as one of the worldwide mostly cited scientist in the years 2014-2016 in the field of molecular biology & genetics

  • Since 2015 Coordinator of the Lower Saxony Omics and Bioinformatics initiative “TRAINomics”

  • Since 2015 Head of Steering Committee of the MHH Research Core Unit Genomics

Awards and Prizes

  • 2005  “Paula and Richard von Hertwig” Price, Germany

  • 2006  Herbert-Herxheimer-Price of the German Society of Allergology and Immunology (DGAKI), Germany

  • 2010 “Paula and Richard von Hertwig” Price, Germany

Recommended Links

For further information about Prof. Illig’s scientific work please check the following links:

10 Selected Publications

Penkert J, Ripperger T, Schieck M, Schlegelberger B, Steinemann D, Illig T. On metabolic reprogramming and tumor biology: A comprehensive survey of metabolism in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(41): 67626-49.

Fuchsberger C, Flannick J, Teslovich TM, … Ingelsson E, Im HK, Illig T, … Boehnke M, Altshuler D, McCarthy MI. The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. Nature. 2016; 536(7614):41-7.

Wang-Sattler R, Yu Z, Herder C, … Pischon T, Adamski J, Illig T. Novel biomarkers for pre-diabetes identified by metabolomics. Mol Syst Biol. 2012; 8: 615.

Mittelstrass K, Ried JS, Yu Z, Krumsiek J, Gieger C, Prehn C, Roemisch-Margl W, Polonikov A, Peters A, Theis FJ, Meitinger T, Kronenberg F, Weidinger S, Wichmann HE, Suhre K, Wang-Sattler R, Adamski J, Illig T. Discovery of sexual dimorphisms in metabolic and genetic biomarkers. PLoS Genet. 2011; 7(8): e1002215.

Suhre K, Wallaschofski H, Raffler J, Friedrich N, Haring R, Michael K, Wasner C, Krebs A, Kronenberg F, Chang D, Meisinger C, Wichmann HE, Hoffmann W, Völzke H, Völker U, Teumer A, Biffar R, Kocher T, Felix SB, Illig T, Kroemer HK, Gieger C, Römisch-Margl W, Nauck M. A genome-wide association study of metabolic traits in human urine. Nat Genet. 2011; 43(6): 565-9.

Suhre K, Shin SY, Petersen AK, Mohney RP, Meredith D, Wägele B, Altmaier E; CARDIoGRAM, Deloukas P, Erdmann J, Grundberg E, Hammond CJ, de Angelis MH, Kastenmüller G, Köttgen A, Kronenberg F, Mangino M, Meisinger C, Meitinger T, Mewes HW, Milburn MV, Prehn C, Raffler J, Ried JS, Römisch-Margl W, Samani NJ, Small KS, Wichmann HE, Zhai G, Illig T, Spector TD, Adamski J, Soranzo N, Gieger C. Human metabolic individuality in biomedical and pharmaceutical research. Nature. 2011; 477(7362): 54-60

Illig T, Gieger C, Zhai G, Römisch-Margl W, Wang-Sattler R, Prehn C, Altmaier E, Kastenmüller G, Kato BS, Mewes HW, Meitinger T, de Angelis MH,Kronenberg F, Soranzo N, Wichmann HE, Spector TD, Adamski J, Suhre K. A genome-wide perspective of genetic variation in human metabolism. Nat Genet. 2010; 42(2): 137-41.

Kretzschmar H, Illig T. Are further genetic factors associated with the risk of developing variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease? Lancet Neurol. 2009; 8(1): 25-6. No abstract available.

Weidinger S, Gieger C, Rodriguez E, Baurecht H, Mempel M, Klopp N, Gohlke H, Wagenpfeil S, Ollert M, Ring J, Behrendt H, Heinrich J, Novak N, Bieber T, Krämer U, Berdel D, von Berg A, Bauer CP, Herbarth O, Koletzko S, Prokisch H, Mehta D, Meitinger T, Depner M, von Mutius E, Liang L, Moffatt M, Cookson W, Kabesch M, Wichmann HE, Illig T. Genome-wide scan on total serum IgE levels identifies FCER1A as novel susceptibility locus. PLoS Genet. 2008; 4(8): e1000166.

Laumen H, Saningong AD, Heid IM, Hess J, Herder C, Claussnitzer M, Baumert J, Lamina C, Rathmann W, Sedlmeier EM, Klopp N, Thorand B, Wichmann HE, Illig T*, Hauner H*.Functional characterisation of promoter variants of the adiponectin gene complemented by epidemiological data. Diabetes. 2009; 58(4): 984-91.


  Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig
  Institute of Human Genetics, Hannover Medical School
  Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
  +49 511 532-4526