My Research Interest in RESIST |
In RESIST, we focus on studying how genetic variation affects molecular and immune phenotypes such as gene expression, metabolites and cytokine responses to stimulations. We develop computational methods and algorithms for fully exploit high-throughput datasets from the most recent profiling technologies, e.g., causal inference and deconvolution of the overall genetic regulation effects of gene expression into relevant cell types. We also integrate large multi-omics data sets and immune profiling of patient to unravel the genotype-phenotype map on a genome- wide scale and built computational models for predicting immune functions and disease risk.
Our aim is to reveal the host genetic risk factors and their downstream molecular pathways as well as to improve the identification of at risk patients, which are crucial to make progress in understanding and treating infectious diseases in an individualized manner.
Prof. Li about her scientific work
Prof. Dr. Yang Li – Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Academic and Research Posts
Other Scientific Roles
Awards and Prizes
10 Selected Publications
Li, W., Zhang, Z., Kumar S., Botey-Bataller, J., Zoodsma, M., Ehsani, A., Zhan, Q., Alaswad, A., Zhou, L., Grondman, I., Koeken, V., Yang, J., Wang, G., Volland, S., Crişan, T. O., Joosten, L. A.B., Illig, T., Xu, C-J., Netea, M.G., Li, Y#. Cell Type-Specific Aging Clocks Unveil Inter-Individual Heterogeneity in Immune Aging and Rejuvenation during Infection and Vaccination. Nature Aging (accepted)
Kumar, S., Zoodsma, M., Nguyen, N., Pedroso, R., Trittel, S., Riese, P., Botey-Bataller, J. F., Zhou, L., Alaswad, A., Haroon, A., Netea, M.G., Xu, C.-J., Pessler, F., Guzman, C.A., Graca, L., Li, Y.# Systemic dysregulation and molecular insights into poor influenza vaccine response in the aging population. Sci. Adv.10, eadq7006 (2024).
Botey-Bataller, J., Vrijmoeth, H.D., Ursinus, J., Kullberg, B.-J., van den Wijngaard, C.C., ter Hofstede H., Alaswad, A., Gupta, M., Roesner L.M., Huehn, J., Werfel, T., Schulz, T.F., Xu, C.-J., Netea, M.G., Hovius, J.W., Joosten, L.A.B., Li, Y.# A comprehensive genetic map of cytokine responses in Lyme borreliosis. Nature Com., 15:3795, (2024).
Zhang, B., Moorlag, S., Domínguez-Andrés, J., Bulut, Ö., Kilic, G., Liu, Z., van Crevel, R., Xu,C.-J., Joosten, L.A.B., Netea, M.G.#, Li, Y.# Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals induction of distinct trained immunity programs in human monocytes. J Clin Invest, 132(7), e147719 (2022) https://doi:10.1172/JCI147719
Chu, X., Jaeger, M., Beumer, J., Bakker, O. B., Aguirre-Gamboa, R., Oosting, M., Smeekens, S. P., Moorlag, S., Mourits, V. P., Koeken,, V. A.C.M., de Bree C., Jansen, T., Mathews, T., Dao, K., Najhawan, M., Watrous, J. D., Joosten, .I, Sharma, S., Koenen, H., Withoff, S., Jonkers, I. H., Netea-Maier, R. T., Xavier, R., Franke, L., Xu C-J., Joosten, L., Sanna, S., Jain, M., Kumar,, V., Clevers H., Wijmenga, C., Netea, M. G., Li, Y.# Integration of metabolomics, genomics, and immune phenotypes reveals the causal roles of metabolites in disease. Genome Biology 22/198, (2021).
Schulte-Schrepping, J.*, Reusch, N.*, Paclik, D.*, Baßler, K*., Schlickeiser, S.*, Zhang, B.*, …., Schultze, J. L.#,Aschenbrenner, A. C.#, Li, Y.#, Nattermann, J.#, Sawitzki, B.#, Saliba, A.-E.#, Sander, L. E.# Severe COVID-19 Is Marked by a Dysregulated Myeloid Cell Compartment Cell 182, 1419-1440.e23 (2020).
Bakker, O. B., Aguirre-Gamboa, R., Sanna, S., Oosting, M., Smeekens, S. P., Jaeger, M., Zorro, M., Võsa, U., Withoff, S., Netea-Maier, R. T., Koenen, H. J. P. M., Joosten, I., Xavier, R. J., Franke, L., Joosten, L. A. B., Kumar, V., Wijmenga, C., Netea, M. G. & Li, Y. Integration of multi-omics data and deep phenotyping enables prediction of cytokine responses. Nature Immunology 19, 776–786 (2018).
Li, Y., Oosting, M., Deelen, P., Ricaño-Ponce, I., Smeekens, S., Jaeger, M., Matzaraki, V., Swertz, M. A., Xavier, R. J., Franke, L., Wijmenga, C., Joosten, L. A. B., Kumar, V. & Netea, M. G. Inter-individual variability and genetic influences on cytokine responses to bacteria and fungi. Nat Med 22, 952–960 (2016).
Aguirre-Gamboa, R., Joosten, I., Urbano, P. C. M., Molen, R. G. van der, Rijssen, E. van, Cranenbroek, B. van, Oosting, M., Smeekens, S., Jaeger, M., Zorro, M., Withoff, S., Herwaarden, A. E. van, Sweep, F. C. G. J., Netea, R. T., Swertz, M. A., Franke, L., Xavier, R. J., Joosten, L. A. B., Netea, M. G., Wijmenga, C., Kumar, V., Li, Y. & Koenen, H. J. P. M. Differential Effects of Environmental and Genetic Factors on T and B Cell Immune Traits. Cell Reports 17, 2474–2487 (2016).
Li, Y., Oosting, M., Smeekens, S. P., Jaeger, M., Aguirre-Gamboa, R., Le, K. T. T., Deelen, P., Ricaño-Ponce, I., Schoffelen, T., Jansen, A. F. M., Swertz, M. A., Withoff, S., van de Vosse, E., van Deuren, M., van de Veerdonk, F., Zhernakova, A., van der Meer, J. W. M., Xavier, R. J., Franke, L., Joosten, L. A. B., Wijmenga, C., Kumar, V. & Netea, M. G. A Functional Genomics Approach to Understand Variation in Cytokine Production in Humans. Cell 167, 1099-1110.e14 (2016).