Prof. Dr. Heiner Wedemeyer
My Research Interest in RESIST |
I have been working for many years on chronic viral infections of the liver, which can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer. My team was able to demonstrate the importance of various immune cells such as T cells and natural killer cells (NK cells) for the control of hepatitis B, C and D. The findings are particularly important for the use and control of antiviral therapies. A special focus in RESIST will be studies on hepatitis D, which is the most severe hepatitis infection.
Professor Wedemeyer about his scientific work
Prof. Dr. Heiner Wedemeyer – Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Academic and Research Posts
Other Scientific Roles
Awards and Prizes

10 Selected Publications
Cornberg M, Pischke S, Muller T, Behrendt P, Piecha F, Benckert J, Todt D, Steinmann E, Papkalla A, von Karpowitz M, Koch A, Lohse A, Hardtke S, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H. Sofosbuvir monotherapy fails to achieve HEV RNA elimination in patients with chronic hepatitis E – The HepNet SofE pilot study. J Hepatol 2020;73(3):696-699
Aregay A, Owusu Sekyere S, Deterding K, Port K, Dietz J, Berkowski C, Sarrazin C, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Wedemeyer H. Elimination of hepatitis C virus has limited impact on the functional and mitochondrial impairment of HCV-specific CD8+ T cell responses. J Hepatol 2019;71(5):889-899
Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C, Hardtke S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Luth S, Papatheodoridis GV, Keskin O, Port K, Radu M, Celen MK, Idilman R, Weber K, Stift J, Wittkop U, Heidrich B, Mederacke I, von der Leyen H, Dienes HP, Cornberg M, Koch A, Manns MP, HIDIT-II study team. Peginterferon alfa-2a plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for hepatitis D (HIDIT-II): a randomised, placebo controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Infect Dis 2019;19(3):275-286
Strunz B, Hengst J, Deterding K, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Ljunggren HG, Wedemeyer H, Bjorkstrom NK. Chronic hepatitis C virus infection irreversibly impacts human natural killer cell repertoire diversity. Nat Commun 2018;9(1):2275-018-04685-9
Deterding K, Spinner CD, Schott E, Welzel TM, Gerken G, Klinker H, Spengler U, Wiegand J, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Pathil A, Cornberg M, Umgelter A, Zollner C, Zeuzem S, Papkalla A, Weber K, Hardtke S, von der Leyen H, Koch A, von Witzendorff D, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H, HepNet Acute HCV IV Study Group. Ledipasvir plus sofosbuvir fixed-dose combination for 6 weeks in patients with acute hepatitis C virus genotype 1 monoinfection (HepNet Acute HCV IV): an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study. Lancet Infect Dis 2017;17(2):215-222
Todt D, Gisa A, Radonic A, Nitsche A, Behrendt P, Suneetha PV, Pischke S, Bremer B, Brown RJ, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Bock CT, Steinmann E, Wedemeyer H. In vivo evidence for ribavirin-induced mutagenesis of the hepatitis E virus genome. Gut 2016;65(10):1733-1743
Di Bisceglie AM, Janczweska-Kazek E, Habersetzer F, Mazur W, Stanciu C, Carreno V, Tanasescu C, Flisiak R, Romero-Gomez M, Fich A, Bataille V, Toh ML, Hennequi M, Zerr P, Honnet G, Inchauspe G, Agathon D, Limacher JM, Wedemeyer H. Efficacy of immunotherapy with TG4040, peg-interferon, and ribavirin in a Phase 2 study of patients with chronic HCV infection. Gastroenterology 2014;147(1):119-131.e3
Deterding K, Gruner N, Buggisch P, Wiegand J, Galle PR, Spengler U, Hinrichsen H, Berg T, Potthoff A, Malek N, Grosshennig A, Koch A, Diepolder H, Luth S, Feyerabend S, Jung MC, Rogalska-Taranta M, Schlaphoff V, Cornberg M, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H, Hep-Net Acute HCV-III Study Group. Delayed versus immediate treatment for patients with acute hepatitis C: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. Lancet Infect Dis 2013;13(6):497-506
Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C, Dalekos GN, Erhardt A, Cakaloglu Y, Degertekin H, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Zachou K, Bozkaya H, Koch A, Bock T, Dienes HP, Manns MP, HIDIT Study Group. Peginterferon plus adefovir versus either drug alone for hepatitis delta. N Engl J Med 2011;364(4):322-331
Wedemeyer H, He XS, Nascimbeni M, Davis AR, Greenberg HB, Hoofnagle JH, Liang TJ, Alter H, Rehermann B. Impaired effector function of hepatitis C virus-specific CD8+ T cells in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. J Immunol 2002;169(6):3447-3458