Prof. Dr. Gérard Krause has finished his work at RESIST in March 23. At this time the CV was updated for the last time.

My Research Interest in RESIST

Our epidemiological research focus in RESIST is on mobile and electronic Health. Acute infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections have a particularly high impact on population health. For example, influenza causes the highest burden compared to other infectious disease in Europe measured in disability-adjusted life years and can lead to severe outcomes particularly in the elderly.

Hence, we aim at researching acute transient infections, their risk factors and, potentially, sequels using PIA, an eResearch System named “Prospective Monitoring of Acute Infections”–App ( website for participants) initiated by us and developed under our guidance, to be used in population-based research cohorts. Specifically, we want to investigate immunological markers or microbiota composition patterns as risk factors or predictors for acute infectious diseases.

PIA has the potential to ideally represent a vital application for data collection on acute infections in the population-based cohort of RESIST and, as such, offers a complementing aspect not yet covered. 

Prof. Krause at a meeting

Prof. Dr. Gérard Krause – Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

  • Since 2011 Head of Epidemiology Dept., Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig

  • Since 2011 Full Professor for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Hannover Medical School (MHH)

  • Since 2013 Founder & Chair of PhD Programme Epidemiology, MHH/HBRS

  • Since 2016 Coordinator of Translational Infrastructure Epidemiology of DZIF

  • Since 2017 Head of Institute for Infectious Disease Epidemiology at TWINCORE


  • 1993 Medical Degree (3rd State Exam), University of Mainz

  • 1993 Medical Doctor (Dr. med), University of Heidelberg

  • 2002 Medical board certification in Hygiene and Environmental Health

  • 2005 Venia legendi (Habilitation), Charité University Medicine, Berlin

Previous positions

  • 2005 – 2013 Director of Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, RKI, Berlin

  • 2000 – 2005 Head of Surveillance Unit, RKI, Berlin

  • 1998 – 2000 EIS Officer, CDC Atlanta

ECDC and  WHO related scientific advice experience (excerpt)

  • Member of Advisory Forum at ECDC 2005-2013 and chair of various of its working groups

  • Competent Body of ECDC 2005 – 2013 for the topics Scientific Advice, Threat Detection, Response, Preparedness, and Guidelines

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the ESCAIDE Conference 2006 – 2008

  • Delegate of Germany in the committee assisting the European Commission to setting up a network for the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases in the Community (network committee) 2001 – 2007

  • Initiator (2005) and member (until 2013) of the evidence based public health recommendation expert group later adopted by ECDC scientific advice unit

  • Scientific lead of REACT-Project with participation of ECDC funded by EU Public Health Programme

  • Member of the ECDC-tendered PRECEPT project on evidence based public health methodologies 

  • Supervisor of ECDC-tendered RAGIDA project on passenger trace back after exposure to infections

  • Chairman of steering committee for the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET) 2006 – 2007

  • Member EPIET training site forum at ECDC 2005 – 2011

  • WHO/CDC STOP Polio mission in Niger 1999

  • WHO/GOARN/ECDC mission on yellow fever outbreak in Cote D’Ivoire 2008

  • National Member of Expert Committee and Review Committee at the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the International Health Regulations (IHR Roster of Experts 2010 – 2014, 2014 – 2018)

Other scientific advice experience (excerpt)

  • Founding PI of the German National Cohort (GNC), Germany’s largest health study and one of the world’s largest population-based cohort studies, chairing its expert group on “Infection and Immunology” and heading one of its 18 study centres

  • Member of the Steering Committee of the German National Cohort Member of the Scientific Council of the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Paris, France

  • Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the German Association for Infectiology (DGI)

  • Member of Advisory Board for the National Reference Centres, Brussels, Belgium

  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board  of the Bernhard Nocht Tropical Institute, Hamburg

  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Robert Koch Institute 2005 – 2013

  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Hanover Biomedical Research School

  • Nominated guest-of the German National Advisory Committee for Vaccinations (STIKO)

  • Authorship or clearance of over 75 reports per year to the German Ministry of Health 2006 – 2013

  • Invited expert for the European Academy Science Advisory Council, the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Austrian Ministry of Health

  • Reviewer for research grants of the German Federal Ministry of Research, the Polish Ministry of Research, and the Swiss Federal Agency for Food Safety

Recommended Links

For further information about Prof. Kalinke’s scientific work please check the following links:

10 Selected Publications (of > 188 original publications)

Yinka-Ogunleye A, Aruna O, Dalhat M, Ogoina D, McCollum A, Disu Y, Mamadu I, Akinpelu A, Ahmad A, Burga J, Ndoreraho A, Nkunzimana E, Manneh L, Mohammed A, Adeoye O, Tom-Aba D, Silenou B, Ipadeola O, Saleh M, Adeyemo A, …, Krause G, Ihekweazu, C (2019) Outbreak of human monkeypox in Nigeria in 2017-18: a clinical and epidemiological report. The Lancet Infectious diseases 19: 872-879

Horn J, Hoodgarzadeh M, Klett-Tammen CJ, Mikolajczyk RT, Krause G, Ott JJ (2018) Epidemiologic estimates of hepatitis E virus infection in European countries. The Journal of infection 77: 544-552

Ott JJ, Horn J, Krause G, Mikolajczyk RT (2017) Time trends of chronic HBV infection over prior decades – A global analysis. J Hepatol 66: 48-54

Schweitzer A, Akmatov MK, Krause G (2017) Hepatitis B vaccination timing: results from demographic health surveys in 47 countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 95: 199-209G

Krause G (2017) Changing Infection Patterns. Deutsches Ärzteblatt international 114: 849-850

Mehraj J, Witte W, Akmatov MK, Layer F, Werner G, Krause G (2016) Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Carriage Patterns in the Community. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 398: 55-87

Karo B, Krause G, Hollo V, van der Werf MJ, Castell S, Hamouda O, Haas W (2016) Impact of HIV infection on treatment outcome of tuberculosis in Europe. AIDS 30: 1089-98

Schweitzer A, Horn J, Mikolajczyk RT, Krause G, Ott JJ (2015) Estimations of worldwide prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review of data published between 1965 and 2013. Lancet 386: 1546-55

Rübsamen N, Castell S, Horn J, Karch A, Ott JJ, Raupach-Rosin H, Zoch B, Krause G, Mikolajczyk RT (2015) Ebola risk perception in Germany, 2014. Emerging infectious diseases 21: 1012-8

Fähnrich C, Denecke K, Adeoye OO, Benzler J, Claus H, Kirchner G, Mall S, Richter R, Schapranow MP, Schwarz N, Tom-Aba D, Uflacker M, Poggensee G, Krause G (2015) Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management System (SORMAS) to support the control of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. Euro Surveill 20