My Research Interest in RESIST |
Our research focus in RESIST is the identification and experimental validation of known and novel genetic variants causing severe respiratory syntycial virus (RSV) infections. My part is the analysis of non-coding variants identified during exome sequencing of patient samples. Bioinformatical analysis will be used as a guide to narrow down the most prominent and potential disease-influencing variants. In a second approach these variants should be cloned and analyzed experimentally. In the longterm this will provide new insights into the biology of RSV as well as defence mechanism of the host.
PD Dr. Bohne about his scientific work
PD Dr. Jens Bohne – Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Academic and Research Posts
Other Scientific Roles
Awards and Prizes

10 Selected Publications
Illig D, Navratil M, Kelecic J, Conca R, Hojsak I, Jadresin O, Coric M, Vukovic J, Rohlfs M, Hollizeck S, Bohne J, Klein C, Kotlarz D. Alternative splicing rescues loss of common gamma chain function and results in IL21-R-like deficiency. Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2019 Feb;39(2):207-215.
Stalke A, Pfister ED, Baumann U, Eilers M, Schäffer V, Illig T, Auber B, Schlegelberger B, Brackmann R, Prokisch H, Krooss S, Bohne J, Skawran B. Homozygous frame shift variant in ATP7B exon 1 leads to bypass of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and to a protein capable of copper export. Eur J Hum Genet. 2019 Jun;27(6):879-887.
Mendez AS, Vogt C, Bohne J, Glaunsinger BA. Site specific target binding controls RNA cleavage efficiency by the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus endonuclease SOX. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Dec 14;46(22):11968.11979.
Vogt C, Hackmann C, Rabner A, Koste L, Santag S, Kati S, Mandel-Gutfreund Y, Schulz TF, Bohne J. ORF57 overcomes the detrimental sequence bias of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus lytic genes.J Virol. 2015 May;89(9):5097-109.
Murugan D, Alber MH, Langemeier J, Bohne J, Puchalka J, Järvinen PM, Hauck F, Klenk AK, Prell C, Schatz S, Diestelhorst J, Sciskala B, Kohistani N, Belohradasky BH, Müller S, Kirchner T, Walter MR, Bufler P, Muise AM, Snapper SB, Koletzko S, Klein C, Kotlarz D. Very early onset inflammatory bowel disease associated with aberrant trafficking of IL-10R1 and cure by T cell replete haploidentical bone marrow transplantation.J Clin Immunol.2014 Apr;34(3):331-9.
Zietara N, Lyszkiewicz M, Witzlau K, Naumann R, Hurwitz R, Langemeier J, Bohne J, Sandrock I, Ballmaier M, Weiss S, Prinz I, Krüger A. Critical role for miR-181a/b-1 in agonist selection of invariant natural killer T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2013 Apr 30;110(18):7407-12
Yolamanova M, Meier C, Shaytan AK, Vas V, Bertoncini CW, Arnold F, Zirafi O, Usmani SM, Müller JA, Sauter D, Goffinet C, Palesch D, Walther P, Roan NR, Geiger H, Lunov O, Simmet T, Bohne J, Schrezenmeier H, Schwarz K, StändkerL, ForssmannWG, Salvatella X, Khalatur PG, Khokhlov AR, Knowles TP,Weil T, Kirchhoff F, Münch J. Peptide nanofibrils boost retroviral gene transfer and provide a rapid means for concentrating viruses. Nat Nanotechnology. 2013 Feb;8(2):130-6.
Langemeier J, Radtke M, Bohne J. U1 snRNP-mediated poly(A) site suppression: beneficial and deleterious for mRNA fate.RNA Biology 2013 Feb;10(2):180-4.
Langemeier J, Schrom EM, Rabner A, Radtke M, Zychlinski D, Saborowski A, Bohn G, Mandel-Gutfreund Y, Bodem J, Klein C, Bohne J. A complex immunodeficiency is based on U1snRNP-mediated poly(A) site suppression. EMBO J 2012 Oct 17;31(20):4035-44.
Kotlarz D, Beier R, Murugan D, Diestelhorst J, Jensen O, Boztug K, Pfeifer D, Kreipe H, Pfister ED, Baumann U, Puchalka J, Bohne J, …., Socha P, Uslu N, Metin A, Wahbeh GT, Husain K, Ramadan D, Al-Herz W, Grimbacher B, Sauer M, Sykora KW, Koletzko S, Klein C. Loss of interleukin-10 signaling and infantile inflammatory bowel disease: implications for diagnosis and therapy. Gastroenterology. 2012 Aug; 143(2):347-55.