New Master’s programme “Biomedical Data Analysis”
Digitalisation is progressing strongly in everyday life – but also in medicine, healthcare and (bio)medical research. Thus, it is becoming more and more important to handle large data sets but the experts are missing. This is where we will help: Within the framework of RESIST, the new four-semester master’s programme “Biomedical Data Analysis” was created and it started in the winter semester 2021/22. It is directed to graduates with a bioscientific bachelor’s or medical degree.
Our future biomedical data scientists will learn how to generate and handle large, heterogeneous and complex data volumes in a targeted manner and how to develop and apply IT solutions – in order to improve disease prevention, precise diagnoses as well as treatment and therapy solutions. With our interdisciplinary and multi-professional course of study we aim to train and form specialists at the interface of life sciences, medicine and computer science.
Contact and Application
Contact and Application
News about the Master’s program
Master’s programme: Start of the new year
This winter semester is the start of the fourth year of the master's programme in biomedical data science.
First graduation ceremony for the Master’s programme Biomedical Data Analysis
For the first time, two students graduated from the Master's programme Biomedical Data Analysis Dr. Adrian Schulz, who was [...]
Teaching prize awarded for the first time
Third-semester students were able to vote for the Biomedical Data Analysis Masters program's teaching award for the first time. [...]
Excursion to Denmark
Data Science students were in Copenhagen in April a text by Katharina Wendt, second semester student: To gain insights [...]
New module successfully established
In bioscientific and clinical research, more and more larger and more complex data sets have to be analysed - [...]
Excursion to Luxembourg
The Master's programme "Biomedical Data Science" visited the Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) from 27 to 29 April [...]
Applications welcome: Master’s programme in Biomedical Data Science
Passed the acid test: One semester of biomedical data science completed Very good. That's how Marie Mikuteit, Adrian Schulz and [...]
Start: Biomedical Data Analysis
The first students have started the new Master's programme, which was created as part of RESIST and PLRI. The [...]
New: Biomedical Data Science
Master's programme at the interface between life sciences, medicine and computer science: Digitalisation is increasing. Hence, it is becoming [...]