RESIST as a career platform
RESIST encourages young investigators to become actively involved in basic and clinical Infection and Immunity research. That is why we support the first as well as further steps of an academic career, the compatibility of work and family, and gender equality in science.
Under this section you can find out more about the different measures and concepts RESIST offers to train young scientists, e.g. our new Master of Science course “Biomedical Data Analysis”.
Promoting Young Talent, Equal Opportunities, Jobs and Awards
RESIST offers motivated young people who want to research on infections and immunity numerous qualification measures for different phases of their academic career. On the one hand, young RESIST investigators have access to already existing training and education structures of the Hannover Medical School (MHH) and partners and on the other hand, RESIST creates new own measures for young researchers.
Balancing work and family life is not easy for most women in science. That is why RESIST supports female scientists with various offers: with already established programmes at MHH and RESIST partner institutions, but also with new measures set up by the Cluster of Excellence RESIST.
Here you can also find information about job offers as well as about the awards and prizes won by our researchers.