The RESIST speaker trio was delighted to welcome a distinguished visitor: Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony’s Minister for Science and Culture, visited the MHH on 21 March to find out more about our Cluster of Excellence RESIST. Prof Manns received the Minister as well as Julia Streuer, Leon Schmalstieg and Katharina Pfeiffer in the Senate meeting room, together with Dr. Faber from the RESIST management team and the scientists Prof. Lauber, Dr. Jacobsen, Dr. Riemann and Marie-Sophie Schulze.

The Minister and his team watched the VR film on the herpes virus infection, had Prof. Schulz, Prof. Hansen and Prof. Förster explain the successes to date and the future plans of RESIST and had a lively discussion with them and Prof. Manns on various topics relating to the application for the new funding period.

The first photo shows (from left): Prof Förster, Prof Schulz, Prof Hansen, Minister Falko Mohrs, Prof Manns.

The second photo shows Minister Falko Mohrs and Prof Manns with the VR glasses.