Prof. Manns, Prof. McHardy, Prof. Werfel and Prof. Osterhaus are among the most cited scientists in the world. This was the result of the latest analysis of scientific publications by the company Clarivate Analytics. The “Highly Cited Researchers” list, which is compiled annually, shows which publications in each discipline are among the one percent that have been cited the most. Prof. Osterhaus is listed in the “Microbiology” category and the three RESIST members Prof. McHardy, Prof. Werfel and Prof. Osterhaus in the “Cross-Field” category, which includes researchers who have an impact on science beyond their actual field of work.

Prof. Manns is a founding member of RESIST and currently serves in an advisory capacity on the RESIST Board as President of the MHH. Prof. McHardy, Prof. Werfel and Prof. Osterhaus are also founding members and they are involved in various RESIST projects.

The complete list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2021” and further information can be found on the Web of Science website at

The photos show: Professor McHardy and Professor Werfel as well as Professor Manns and Professor Osterhaus.