Every Thursday (except during school holidays) two RESIST scientists or top-class researchers from external institutions present their work at the RESIST seminar series. The seminars are taking place from 5 to 6 pm.
Due to coronavirus pandemic, it is an online-seminar. If you want to take part please contact RESIST@mh-hannover.de.
December 17th 2020 at 5 pm.
- Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold, Department of Physiological Chemistry & Research Center for Emerging Infections and Zoonosis (RIZ) – University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover: ‘Inter-individual differences in susceptibility to emerging viruses: The perfect pandemic Christmas dinner‘
- PD Dr. Roman Fedorov, Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Hannover Medical School (MHH): ‘Towards Allosteric Modulation of cGAS/OAS family of innate immune sensors as a means to control infection and inflammation’
Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding the RESIST seminar series? If so, please contact us.